Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports


All five district schools’ PBIS teams had the opportunity to meet prior to the start of the school year to develop strategies, interventions and tools to further promote the PBIS. Monies to support this endeavor were received from the district-wide Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) grant application. During the first two weeks of the each school year , as well as when students return from winter break, all students at each of the schools were engaged in activities aligned with the PBIS model.

For your review, PBIS is a systems approach whose purpose is to enhance and increase awareness and efforts to minimize student behavioral problems. PBIS is not an “add-on curriculum”, rather it is a school-based systems approach based on data collection, system responses and best practices designed to ensure sustained use of appropriate strategies and interventions targeted at student behavior. PBIS is based on the following:
  • Team Based Planning and Problem Solving,
  • Instructional Approach to Behavior and Classroom Management,
  • Active Administrator Support and Participation,
  • Long Term Action Planning,
  • Establishment of Staff Commitment, and
  • On-going Professional Development
As staff and students move through the school year additional data, as it relates to student discipline and general school climate, will be provided to the district office administration, building principals and the Board of Education to allow for further understanding of the PBIS program and to demonstrate gains with an improved school climate and a reduction in student suspensions through work at the school and classroom levels.

Sample of PBIS Matrix for a school




EXIT (K-5)

EXIT (6-8)

1.On the first bell, line up in single file line at designated area

1. Remain seated until teacher directs morning activities

1.At the teacher's signal, line up silently

1. Visit locker

2. At the teacher's signal, enter the building silently

2. Clean feet on doormats before entering building

2.Wait for the teacher's direction for dismissal

2. Be seated prior to dismissal

3.  Band / Chorus use front entry only

3. Eat breakfast at home


3. Await teacher dismissal






1. Pass mandatory for early entry

1. Walk in single file line

1.Walk silently on the right side of hallway

1. Exit out E area immediately


2. Enter only as directed

2. Exit the building                                               immediately

2. Leave school grounds promptly










1. Remove all items that cover your head

1. At the teacher's direction, enter the classroom

1. Put hallway behavior in                                     place

1. Put hallway behavior in place

2. Walk silently on the right side of hall to classroom

2. Remain seated until teacher directs morning activities

2. Begin your walk                         immediately

2. Be prepared for dismissal



3. Be prepared for dismissal

3. Begin your walk home immediately


Project CHOICES, a Least Restrictive Environment initiative of the Illinois State Board of Education, has provided technical assistance to school districts in Illinois since 1988. Project CHOICES partners with school districts in an integrated approach to support inclusionary practices in schools. As a partner in the Illinois Statewide Technical Assistance Center (ISTAC), Project CHOICES collaborates with other state board funded ISTAC projects to provide access and equity for all students through general education.

The main work of Project CHOICES is to ensure the following: All children have access to general education curriculum; All children and youth are assigned to general education classrooms and are treated by all staff as full participating members of the school community; Schools address social emotional development as a key part of academic outcomes; Schools develop and use data for decision making the problem solving; Schools make a concerted effort to involve family members and School districts are committed to system change and developing an effective educational system for all students. Additional information can be viewed at www.projectchoices.org.

For additional information on special education services please contact Dr. Lisa Woods, Director of Pupil Services at (708) 720-6638.